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Pros and Cons for Natural Gut Tennis String

When choosing a tennis string natural gut is a premium choice, but it comes with a high price tag. Here's a brief breakdown of the benefits and drawbacks of natural gut string.


  • Comfort - The string is very elastic and gives a plush feel at ball contact. It stretches and returns to its original form better than synthetic strings.
  • Tension maintenance - Natural gut holds it tension and playability very well over time.
  • Power - Because the string is very elastic, it can add power to your shots.


  • Price - It is the most expensive string option in the tennis market. However, if you are not a string breaker, it holds it playability and tension very well. You don't need to restring very often because it will play well throughout its life.
  • Durability - For advanced players, it's not as durable as a polyester string. Wilson Natural Gut and Babolat VS Touch do have a coating on them, which makes them as durable if not more durable than some multifilament strings. The coating also helps protect the string from changes in the weather, particularly increasing the string's resistance to humidity.