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Choosing a Babolat Tennis Racquet

An in-depth overview of the Pure Aero, Pure Drive & Pure Strike

Babolat racquets are great for a variety of players of all levels looking for power, spin and even control! But how do you know which is best for you, your game and your ability level? Take a closer look at the 3 main families so you can choose the best racquet for your game!

Pure Aero

The Pure Aero line of racquets is one of the most popular families in production and we're sure you recognise it since many top players including, Rafael Nadal, endorse these yellow and black frames. While the standard Pure Aero is a great racquet loaded with spin and power, it is best for intermediate and advanced players. Beginners will want to take a look at the Pure Aero Lite and Pure Aero Team as they are lighter and easier to swing. Are you an advanced player? Then you will want to check out the heavier Pure Aero Tour or even the extended Pure Aero Plus as these racquets are stable and will load your shots with mass if you have the right technique. One thing is for sure, all of the Pure Aero racquets come with an aerodynamic beam and are ideal for players looking to add vicious spin and power to their game.

Pure Drive

The Pure Drive family of racquest is known for its speed, power and spin for the modern game. These cool, blue racquets are all user-friendly, but there is a wide range of weights (and a couple extended versions) giving players of every ability level a powerful option. If you are a beginner and newer to tennis, you will love the array of lighter choices as the Pure Drive Team and Pure Drive Lite are great entry level racquets which will be quick and easy to swing. And players looking for an even bigger sweet spot can check out the Pure Drive 107 and Pure Drive 110 which are slightly oversized, light and speedy. Aggressive intermediate and advanced players will find the standard Pure Drive to be a good place to start. Craving more weight or length? Then you should definitely explore the heavier or extended options including the Pure Drive Tour, and the Pure Drive Plus. Lastly, players who crave a bit more control with their power will want to take a closer look at the newest addition to this family, the Pure Drive VS, which debuted early 2019. It has a thinner, more flexible feel along with a nice blend of speed and power which makes it a solid choice for experienced hitters.

Pure Strike

Looking for a bit more control and feel, but still enough power to dictate points? Then the Pure Strike racquets might be perfect for you! This family has great options for modern players who crave control, feel, power and spin! We've found they have a more flexible feel and offer better feedback than the Pure Aeros and Pure Drives. Beginners will want to start by looking at the Pure Strike Team as it is the lightest, and easiest to swing model in the line up. From there, intermediate and advanced players have a plethora of options -- whether you are looking for more power, both the Pure Strike 100 and Babolat Pure Strike 16x19 3rd Gen will work well; or if you crave a bit more control, then try the Pure Strike 98 18x20.

As always, the best way to find the right racquet for you is by getting them in your hands! Utilize our simple demo program and grab a few of these racquets to try the next time you're on the court!